The Perfect System for Hair Stylists to Track Client Color Formulas

customer retention

For years, hairstylists have been relying on the memories, post it notes, random scraps of papers and even their customers to remember their client color formulas.  We always ask salons how they manage their client data (if they do!) and here’s a list of the random responses we’ve received over the years:

~”I have been using binders, and writing it down for years, but my binders are always about to burst!”

~”I keep note cards in a little recipe box, I hope I never lose it.”

~”I keep everything in my client file folders, every time I go in, papers fly everywhere.”

~”I add little notes to my client contact info in my phone.”

~”I keep losing them and then I have to guess, every time I come in.”

~”I depend on my memory, but now I’ve sold my business and need to transfer all that information to the new salon owner and I don’t know how I’m going to do it!”

It’s time to stop depending on memory and haphazard systems, hair stylists deserve an easy way to keep up to date records of all their color formulas and client information so they can focus on their work and of course, avoid any embarrassing color accidents.  Keeping customers happy is the number one goal and when a stylist is at the top of their game, their business success.

It’s time to implement a salon software.  Using digital records is the way to go.  Having an easy way to attach color formulas right to a clients picture or name so it pops right up either when you’re planning your day in the morning or when your client walks in the door is the way to go.

Yocale has built an all-inclusive system of secure, client notes attached right to their online booking calendar.  Not only can clients book appointments online, they can also request services, fill out a pre-appointment questionnaire and then stylists can see all this information at a click of a button.

A central location for all your information so you don’t have to keep it in your head.  Sounds like a lot of work, but it really doesn’t have to be.  Setting up a salon calendar with your client files is as easy as uploading your client list with names and phone numbers or email addresses.  Add your color formulas as you close appointments and soon you’ll have your entire business in a secure, encrypted database that you can access from anywhere – even your phone while you’re on vacation.

Not only does digitizing all your data give you peace of mind, knowing you’ll never forget anything, it also frees up time to give better service and more personalized care.  With each appointment recorded, you now know all your clients that use certain products so you can send customized promotions, plan your inventory orders and even plan your schedules to match your product usage.

Computers and phones are here to stay, holding on to your old paper system may be hindering you more than you realize.

Learn more with these great articles:

Salon Appointment Book: Why You Are Spending More Than You Have To

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Customer Retention Tips Part 1: How To Blow Up Your Salon Profits

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If you’d like to find out more about how to transfer your styling business online, book a personalized demo with our salon software customer success representatives today for a customized tour.  It’s easier than you think!

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