Online Scheduling For Pharmacies During Covid-19

Online scheduling for pharmacies during Covid-19 is crucial. The demand for pharmaceutical services have skyrocketed during this pandemic and pharmacists face lack of protection. As the decision maker, you now need to limit the number of people in your vicinity but the demand for pharmacy service is at an all time high, ironic!

The solution? Adapt to an all in one solution software to control and properly manage the number of people in your pharmacy at once. With this, you will reduce or eliminate wait times and grant your staff an extra layer of protection and safety.

Online Scheduling For Pharmacies During Covid-19

Internal Scheduling

Yocale serves a variety of purposes but primary, let’s assimilate the internal scheduling feature. A recent study showed that pharmacies nationwide are struggling to meet their scheduling requirement and coordinate with employees due to the Covid-19 employment crisis. If you’ve adapted to an all in one solution software platform, you can better reconcile external demand with internal scheduling and therefore, create proper staff availability. Setting up schedules on Yocale is simple yet precise and eliminates paper schedules, saving thousands of trees and wildlife.

You can then view or alter your schedules and online bookings with your mobile device. We know that mobile phones are an essential piece of business equipment for many business owners and their staff and our platform systematically modifies to a plethora of tech devices including tablets, iPhone, Android and more.

Online Booking and Prescription Refills

Why is it essential for your pharmacy to offer online booking to your patients? A recent study conducted that 70 percent of individuals rather book online, compared to only 20 percent who would choose to book by phone.

By providing an innovative booking option, individuals can book their slot and obtain prescriptions in time, without the wait and anxiety.

To further protect your staff and value your time and energy, utilize Yocale’s form feature to attach any form(s) to a service. This will prompt your client to provide the necessary details before the system confirms an appointment. This opportunity allows you to screen patients for (Covid-19) symptoms or to obtain the required information before a visit. To better comprehend form capabilities, watch this short clip on the form feature and form management tool.

Let’s visualize a common scenario. You’ve set up your online availability and created a service for a “new prescription” consultation. Attached to this service, you’ve created an intake form that requires the patient to complete before the appointment can be confirmed. Along with the clients primary information, the form requires the type of medicine and the doctor’s name that prescribed it. Once the patient fulfills this request, the form will be available to view in the advanced appointment window and will also be saved in the clients file for future reference. If you have created a form that allows uploading an image, the patient has the opportunity to upload the prescription and attach it to the form, inter alia.

All you need to do is prepare the medication and notify the client to pay and pickup. The unknown wait time between drop off and pick up of prescription is now obsolete. Can you imagine the appreciation your patients will have and the competitive advantage you just created?

We hope these Yocale features enhance health and safety protocals for your business and eliminate patient wait times.

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