How To Get More Word Of Mouth Business For Your Automotive Business

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According to the Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Report, word of mouth recommendations are the most credible form of advertising for businesses, with 83 per cent of people trusting recommendations by friends and family.

Of course advertising through TV or by using SEO campaigns draw in new customers, but when it comes to finding a new automotive business, customers are far more likely to go with a company suggested by a friend or family member who they trust than a business they know nothing about.

In this blog post, we’ll give our top tips on how you can get more word of mouth business for your automotive business, encouraging customers to purchase products and services from you rather than your competitors.

1. Ensure Your Customers Leave Feeling Satisfied

Just as people like to share their bad experiences, warning their friends to stay away from that company who gave them crummy customer service, they are also eager to share the good experiences they’ve had, which is why it’s important that you give customers the royal treatment. Ensure they’re so satisfied with their visit that they rush to tell their friends about you.

Go the extra mile and instead of simply thanking customers for their business, send them a card in the post with a discount off of their next visit, or a gift voucher when they recommend a friend. Although these kind of rewards can be costly, think of them as long-term investments which are likely to bring customers back again and again.

2. Regularly Share Content On Social Media

Those companies who post regularly on social media tend to have far more followers than those who simply have an ‘about us’ page and nothing else. To keep customers interested in your automotive business, you need to be sharing relevant content, whether that means behind-the-scenes photos or helpful blog posts, make sure you share, share, share!

Some of the best features on Facebook to attract new customers are the ability for existing customers to ‘check in’ at your business or tag your business in posts or photos. Facebook friends of that customer will see your business mentioned, thereby giving you more exposure.

3. Make Sure Email Newsletters Engage Customers

78 per cent of consumers believe that businesses who provide custom content are interested in building good relationships with them. For this reason it’s important that when you send newsletter subscribers email content that it speaks to them personally, as well as offering some kind of discount or incentive to encourage them to make a purchase from your business.

As well as being a great way to keep your business’s name in the minds of consumers and encourage word of mouth referrals, email is also one of the least expensive forms of marketing out there, as well as being easy to implement.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Reviews And Referrals

Asking customers to review your business on sites like Google+ or Yelp, or asking for a written referral to include on your website are effective ways of attracting new customers. The great thing about online reviews is that they act as indirect word of mouth referrals, since people are more inclined to choose a business with lots of positive feedback.

You can also ask customers to take some of your business cards to hand around to friends, perhaps offering them a gift card as a thank you for referring you. An incentive like this will not only encourage more referrals, but will ensure your business sticks in the mind of customers.

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