Having Trouble Gaining New Clients? Look No Further Than Reserve With Google

Reserve With Google

Are you having trouble booking clients?

Indeed, being unable to book clients – especially after a period of having a steady stream of them or after receiving a lot of inquiries but not a lot of solid online appointment bookings, is concerning for any business.

Afterall, your online appointment bookings are directly tied to your revenue.

You may be tempted to lower your prices, but no business should have to lower its prices.

There’s a better way: Reserve with Google.

If you are having trouble booking clients, the first step is to always spend time really examining possible causes. This should be a deep look into your business.  

For example, assess your sales funnel to find possible leaks. Perhaps your value proposition on your website isn’t clear. There could also be contributing factors.

Ultimately, there are a lot of reasons why clients aren’t booking, which can compound the problem even further.

However, there’s also a simple way to increase your online appt bookings. For example, are you only booking clients from your website instead of also allowing clients to book from Facebook and Google?

If this is the case, you are losing out on a lot of possible clients, which we are going to go into more detail about below.

Why Reserve with Google Can Increase Your Online Appt Bookings

First and foremost, most clients do not book services from your website. They do so through a third-party appointment scheduling software.

If you’re only taking online appointment bookings through the telephone and through your website, again, you are missing out on a lot of online appt bookings.

An online booking software also keeps your business running 24/7. If you are not yet using an online booking software to book clients, you will see a boost in your online appointment bookings right away by doing this alone.

In short, an appointment scheduling software increases your online appointment bookings and that’s even without the help of Reserve with Google (which we will get to in a minute).

An online booking software will also connect you to additional avenues where you can book clients. This includes the Facebook book button and, of course, a Google booking button, also known as Reserve with Google.

As we’ve said before, the majority of people prefer online booking to scheduling via the phone. A survey by Zendesk found that almost 70% people prefer self-service options. Reserve with Google takes those self-service options to the next level.

So, how does Reserve with Google increase your online appt bookings?

Reserve with Google now makes it possible for people to book services straight from Google Search.

That means that businesses can take advantage of Google’s incredible amount of traffic. Reserve with Google means that you’re effectively allowing Google to book your services for you.

Whenever someone enters ‘fitness classes Vancouver BC’ into their search bar, they will see a button that says “Book Online” next to your Google listing.

As we’ve said before, it’s the equivalent of putting your business on Hotels.com or Expedia but on a Google level.

Businesses like yours no longer have to worry about driving traffic to their site (which, again, isn’t incredibly effective when it comes to online appointment bookings anyway).

Reserve with Google also reduces the additional friction that people have to take to find a business online, visit their website and call to make a booking. It captures them right then and there on Google Search.

It allows them to book your services instead of call, which, as you saw above, most prefer.

Not only does Reserve with Google make it possible for businesses to take advantage of Google’s traffic, but the blue ‘Book Online’ button gives businesses a competitive edge.

Ultimately, not every business will have access to the Google ‘Book Online’ button (you have to be using an appointment scheduling software that has partnered with Google in order to do so).

Those businesses that give Google users the ability to book services right then and there (they can even pay with Google Wallet) are the ones who will have the competitive edge and go on to see more online appointment bookings than their competitors as a result.

How You Can Get Reserve With Google

Getting Reserve with Google is easy. It’s also free. All you need to do is use an an appointment scheduling software that has partnered with Google. Yocale, for example, is a free online software that has partnered with Google to offer Reserve with Google.

If you’re a Yocale user, the Reserve with Google booking button will be automatically added to your Google listing. If you’re not a Yocale user, we will show you how you can sign up for free here.

The Bottom Line

If you are having trouble booking clients, you need to find an appointment scheduling software that has partnered with Google to offer Reserve with Google.

This is one of the easiest things you can do to increase your online appt bookings.

Reserve with Google allows businesses like yours to take advantage of all of the traffic on Google and to book services right and there.

It also gives you the competitive edge over businesses who don’t give their clients the luxury to be able to book their services right from Google.

If you want to read more about Reserve with Google, you can read Reserve with Google – Why Your Business Needs to Be Listed.

Yocale is the top appointment scheduling software on the market today. Yocale also has been featured in Microsoft, Forbes and beyond. We also offer a free suite of business management and marketing tools, including email marketing. For more information, click here.

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