Calendar & Online
Scheduling Advanced

Online Scheduling Software

Online Scheduling 

 Keep your business open 24/7, reduce unproductive front desk time spent on the phone and nix dreaded double booking mistakes by allowing your clients to instantly book an appointment with you any time, any place.

 Online Client Appointment Requests

 Do you want the benefits of an online booking service but still have control over when appointments are made? Apply restrictions to your booking policy by making your customers ‘request’ an appointment first.
Online Scheduling Software

Booking through Facebook

Increase your online appointment bookings, give your business a competitive edge and make your Facebook page more powerful with Facebook booking.  Allow prospective clients to book you right through your business page via a Facebook appointment button.

Booking Through Yocale Booking Page

 Increase brand awareness by marketing your business to thousands of registered users on Yocale by taking online appointment bookings through your SEO-optimized business booking page.
Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Staff Booking Profile

Skyrocket customer loyalty with staff booking profiles by empowering clients to get to know their providers on a deeper level (plus the ability to book appointments online with the ones they connect with most). Every staff member gets their own SEO-optimized booking profile.

SMS & Email Reminders

Reduce dreaded appointment no-shows by up to 90% and save thousands of dollars each year with automated email & SMS client reminders. Better yet, make your front-desk staff more valuable by automating their workload and giving them more time with clients so they can turn casual customers into loyal ones.
Free Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Fully Custom Availability Scheduler

Need a flexible appointment scheduler that will accommodate different schedules? Set whatever online scheduling availabilities you want with our fully custom availability scheduling software.

Custom Online Booking Time Period

Do you want notice when online appointment bookings are made? Keep your schedule predictable and get the control you need by setting the booking parameters for accepting online bookings. 6 hours? 24 hours? 48 hours?

Online Scheduling Software
Online Scheduling Software

Limit Who Books You

Want to only allow select clients, like regular customers, to book online? Only allow a certain portion of your clients to appointment book online while everyone else books via the traditional methods.

On-Site Services

Increase revenue, save time and reduce travel costs by offering mobile services. Don’t limit services to your storefront. Even better, still give clients the convenience of online scheduling with the ability to apply booking restrictions if you need to.

Free Online Scheduling Software
Online Scheduling Software

Notification Center

Know what’s happening in your calendar and in your business! The notification centre is a central location where you can see all activities such as booked, cancelled or rescheduled appointments, requested appointments, review left from clients or inventory alerts.


Increase the total volume of services you sell this year by having the ability to easily add multiple services or add-on services to your client’s appointment.
Free Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Availability Finder

Find and book an appointment online in seconds with the most advanced availability finder on the market. Book single or multiple services (and single or recurring appointments) in just one click. Truly the easiest way to find the perfect appointment in your calendar.

Multiple Staff Calendar View

Get a bird’s eye view of your staff and always know exactly what’s going on by being able to view all staff scheduling calendars in one easy-to-view calendar. Better yet, keep scheduling mistakes at bay.
Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Drag & Drop Appointment

Intimidated by schedule software? Looking for an easy appointment scheduler that staff will find easy to use? Easily drag and drop and expand or shorten appointment length with a simple click and drag (and notify clients if you want to). Say goodbye to dreaded double booking mistakes.

Recurring Booking

Increase your online appointment bookings this year by turning single appointments into recurring ones. Better yet, allow your clients to reap the benefits of visiting more regularly, turning casual clients into loyal ones. Book daily, weekly, monthly or custom recurring appointments.
Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Block Time Off

Need a break? Easily block time off in your scheduler while it does double duty and continues to book appointments online while you’re away.

Resource Bookings

Set both booking and usage parameters for your room, equipment, chairs or other resources you book for your business and save more time by streamlining the management of these resources. You can also nix the dreaded double bookings with scheduling software that ensures resources are always available.
Booking resource management
Free Online Scheduling Software

Notify Clients of Appointment Changes

Avoid unhappy clients by letting them know of appointment scheduling changes while automating the process and saving your front desk staff more time.

Day/Week/Staff Calendar View

Are you losing track of upcoming appointments? Do you fear missing an appointment? Stay more in control of your schedule and breathe a sigh of relief by easily viewing your appointment calendar by day, week or staff calendar views.
Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Double or Triple book

Maximize your schedule and your increase your revenue by filling up your appointment calendar to your heart’s content with double and triple bookings.

Transition time

Keep your scheduled appointment times running accurately by adding service transition times. An easy way to allow you the time to prep for your next appointment. The client only sees the appointment time but your calendar blocks off the appointment + transition time, keeping you on time and organized.
Free Online Scheduling Software
Online Scheduling Software

Calendar Appointment Icons

Save time by getting the quick information you need from your appointment icons. The appointment icons can quickly tell you if the client is a new client, pre-paid for the service, booked online, has an alert on their profile and many more.

Multiple Location Management

Streamline all of your locations’ schedules and increase productivity by managing them all from the same appointment calendar.

Free Online Scheduling Software
Online Scheduling Software

Client Notes And Provider Notes

Need to add a note to an appointment? Add client notes when booking the client/patient appointment.

Preview Multiple Bookings

Have peace of mind knowing that set appointments are correct by previewing the appointments displayed in the recurring appointments window.
Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Draft Mode For Appointment Window

Have tentative bookings you don’t want to forget about? Going on lunch break in middle of appointment booking? Simply minimize your appointment window and keep it as a draft until you are ready to complete the booking. 
Free Online Scheduling Software

Calendar Customization

Need a flexible appointment calendar? Customize your calendar the way you want – right down to the most minute details. Easily configure the intervals, visible days, week start date, default time, start & end time and theme boldness.

Custom Appointment Colors

Get a clearer picture of your appointments book and always be prepared for each appointment by distinguishing them by colour.
Free Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Video Conferencing

Cut down on travel time, keep more profits in your pocket and give your business a professional edge by taking remote appointments and meetings via professional and reliable video conferencing integrations.

Appointment Tags

Organize your online appointment bookings in seconds and save more time by labelling them with tags that you can easily sort through later.
Free Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Time Zone Management

Having trouble keeping track of multiple time zones? Easily keep all of your appointments on time with easy time zone management.

Change Color Theme

Quickly see what’s coming up on your schedule by changing the color theme of your appointments calendar to make your online appointment bookings bolder and easier to see.
Free Online Scheduling Software
Free Online Scheduling Software

Show Multiple Days For Each Provider

Get the whole picture of everyone’s schedule in one calendar window for all providers. View up to 4 days of appointments in the team calendar view.

Private Services

Want to offer private services to select clients? Make your business more exclusive by having private services bookable on your appointment calendar but hidden from your online booking public profile page.
Online Scheduling Software
Online Scheduling Software

Concurrent Appointments

Offer a variety of appointments at the same time? Allow your business to accept multiple concurrent appointments in the same time slot.

Free Online Scheduling Software