The Beauty Clinic
Case Study

"Yocale has helped simplify and improve our client booking by incorporating digital technology to modernize our client and staff experience. Its platform offers many dashboards to help gain insights into our business to help us understand how things are operating"
Senior Manager - The Beauty Clinic

Our Client

The Beauty Clinic by Shoppers Drug Mart is a medical spa currently operating in select Greater Toronto Area locations. It provides beauty solutions, which include an array of non-surgical, cosmetic services and treatments. Services and treatments are provided by certified industry professionals (medical estheticians and nurse practitioners) who offer personal consultations and cosmetic treatment plans tailored to each client.

When first launching the clinics, bookings were made through traditional booking channels such as phone, email requests and walk-ins. Client appointment reminders were done by phone through individual phone call reminders.

Executive Summary

The Beauty Clinic by Shoppers was looking to implement an online and centralized calendar for boutique store locations that would allow clients to find their preferred store, select the treatment they preferred and select a date and time for their appointment. Having this booking experience be launched from any digital asset (website, social media, digital marketing, etc.) was critically important.

The clinics required clients to complete intake forms prior to their booking as well as acknowledge their treatment-based consent forms, all in a digital, electronic format. 

Having all of this information reside in a clinical, appointment-based, Client Relationship Management (CRM) tool helped keep all client information, forms, appointment history, treatment notes, treatment images, annotations and more, all secure in one place.

Lastly, the stores needed analytical reporting on booking trends within the stores. This included the popularity of treatments, recognizing high spending clients or clients who hadn’t visited in a while, as well as the performance of individual stores and staff. As a result of implementing Yocale’s online booking platform, The Beauty Clinic by Shoppers saw:

Online Bookings
After Hours Bookings
New Online Booked Clients


Prior to implementing Yocale, our client was using an older, more cumbersome solution for the CRM component of the business but no online scheduling offering. This resulted in several manual tasks for both admin staff as well as treatment providers and ultimately a loss of efficiency.

For admin staff, appointments had to be scheduled manually. Appointment reminders also had to be done manually, and clients had to fill out necessary forms on paper and in-store. Treatment providers also had to complete treatment forms on paper and upload them into the CRM. All of these tasks proved to be inefficient.

Eliminating manual tasks and having an easy way to centrally and securely store all client information in one area was a key criteria to determine the success of the scheduling system.

With obvious business challenges occurring during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Beauty Clinic needed to shift to being even more online, providing services such as online consultations in the form of video conferencing and scheduling appointments for curb-side pick-up of products.

Overcoming Challenges

The Beauty Clinic by Shoppers has been operating with Yocale’s online scheduling and CRM since spring 2020. 

By adopting Yocale, the appointment scheduling system, CRM, electronic forms and data collection reporting were modernized. Furthermore, the following 10, highly effective features helped with overcoming additional challenges:

  • Multi-Location Management Previously, clients had to shuffle between store clinics to find the earliest availability. By adding online scheduling through Yocale’s Smart-Matching booking widget, clients now have access to real-time, clinic location availability and available staff. Clients can find their ideal appointment by locating the store with the earliest availability, nearest proximity to them or preferred staff members. User experience and satisfaction improved.
  • Configurable Online Booking Widget – Personalized booking links were added throughout The Beauty Clinic website. This gave clients the ability to book specific locations or specific services online through direct booking links. To create a professional and unique impact, The Beauty Clinic also customized the aesthetics of their booking widget, including adding its logo and making use of filtering fields.
  • Unique URL – Simple, configurable and specific links were easily added to the clinic website, social media accounts, digital marketing campaigns, as well as email signatures. This gave clients a seamless booking experience from wherever they began their booking journey.
  • CRM – Having all client information easily accessible on any device used in the clinic allowed team members to view information, add notes, upload documents, create forms and annotate on treatment images captured before and after to keep everything neat and in order.
  • Form Builder With a very simple drag and drop form builder, staff could easily create intake forms, treatment forms, Covid questionnaires and more in a matter of minutes as well as configure the settings to meet the specific needs and conditions related to that form.
                             * Sample Form Builder below:
  • Form Captured Data – With clients needing to complete forms prior to their appointment, Yocale’s electronic forms made it easy to have clients complete the forms at the time of booking, or securely emailed to the client to complete at a later time. These completed form fields were able to be linked and synced to the corresponding fields of the client record in the system CRM. By collecting these forms digitally from clients prior to their appointment, admin staff can now spends less time having clients complete paper forms or scan and upload these paper forms electronically. For treatment providers, they can now easily complete treatment notes electronically and securely store notes, images and files simply from their tablet or computer.
  • Dashboards and Insights Analytics have offered increased transparency with drill down, slice and dice capabilities. Management could view business status and booking volume customized by location, appointment type and even specific treatment provider utilization. Having the capability to view which location or staff member is actively engaged within any given time interval – whether the last 20 minutes, five days or two years – has contributed to better decision making.  In-demand services and determining locations or agents with the most volume has eliminated unnecessary costs and boosted productivity. With real-time access to quantitative and qualitative data, marketing campaigns and budgets were also better allocated.
  • Resource Based Booking Rules – With the clinic operating based on resource restrictions, that is, only being able to provide certain services based on the availability of certain equipment, Yocale helped implement an easy way for services to only be booked based on the availability of both staff and equipment. Yocale Smart Matching technology in action!
  • Google Analytics – Incorporated within the booking widget, management was able to view data on a comprehensive level. For instance, management could see which marketing campaign or promotions led to increased traffic and increased bookings for a certain type of service.
  • Self Management Tools – Clients were able to take advantage of user-friendly tools such as simple online scheduling, appointment rescheduling, easy cancellations, and automated email and SMS appointment reminders to boost bookings and help reduce no show rates.
TheBeautyClinic Online booking


By incorporating smart technology solutions, The Beauty Clinic’s vision to create a better client and management system was successfully implemented.

Increasing clinic online bookings, easily creating and completing custom, electronic forms and then being able to store and access client information securely and all in one place, all while improving the accessibility of a centralized, clinic-wide, online calendar contributed to this success. More importantly, up-to-the-minute, in-depth reporting drastically improved. Dashboard insights presents:

the beauty clinic case study stats


Once the Yocale Booking Widget was implemented, our client experienced a reduction in no-shows, an increase in online and after hour bookings, better accessibility to insights and analytics, staff productivity and many other simple (but powerful) benefits. 

In other terms, the data conversion showed 28% more online booking and a 34% increase in after hour booking and 49% of new clients booking online.  

Our client will now experience lower customer acquisition costs and administrative efficiencies due to a decrease in manual bookings and elimination of pen and paper within the clinic. 

Meet Yocale!

Online Scheduling

Keep your business open 24/7 by offering online scheduling. Be bookable from any device and give your customers the self-service options to schedule and reschedule appointments at their convenience.

Client Management

Yocale’s client relationship tools make it easy to track client details via individual client profiles so that you can deliver more personalized customer service when scheduling an online appointment.

Point Of Sale

Accept payments in a flash. Take prepayments or deposits to help prevent no-shows. Easily track and record all your transactions and run reports on these transactions.

Notifications & Reminders

Yocale’s unlimited email and text (SMS) reminders can help reduce no-shows by 80%, saving your business thousands of dollars year after year.

Forms & Annotations

Versatile drag-and-drop form builder to create simple to comprehensive forms in minutes ​ (ex. SOAP Notes, charting, intake forms, consent forms, questionnaires, post appointment follow-ups, surveys, etc)​.

Advanced Reporting

Stay on top of your metrics and get a real-time view of your most important business insights, from sales numbers to new client bookings so that you always make the best decisions.

Why Not Try a free Demo?

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