How To Set Up Appointments The Easy Way

Set Up Appointment

Your time is valuable.

This goes without saying. So why are we still giving it away without concern?

In business, there are many times during the day that you need to meet with others. Whether it be with your coworkers, or clients, meetings and appointments often times fill up your day that you have no time to do anything else.

To make things easier, we are going to show you how you can start to take appointments the easy way, so you can get your time back, and be a lot more productive at the same time.

Step 1: Set Up An Online Booking Software

The first thing you need to do is to invest in an online booking software. Yocale offers one the leading appointment scheduling and booking softwares around.

What you will now be able to do is add all of your services, or types of meetings you accept, such as phone calls, Skype calls, or in person meetings so that way people can choose this type of meeting type to book with you.

You then want to set up your availability. Are you working the typical 9-5, or do you have a more flexible schedule. This is not a problem and you can fully customize your calendar the way you want it to be.

Finally, update your profile with your logo and profile picture, and you are all set.

Step 2: Tell Everyone Your Link For Your Booking Page

The best part of using an online appointment booking software is that you are able to share on your website, or even on your email signature your unique booking link so that way people can easily access your calendar online at anytime.

Make sure you tell everyone about your new calendar so that way its best utilized.

There is no point of having a system to save you time if no one knows about it or uses it.

Step 3: Watch The Appointments Come In All By Themselves

The point of having a scheduling system is that now it works for you.

It does all of the hard work where you don’t have to. Where before you would have to spend time and a ton of back and forth communicating with the other person trying to find the best time, well now you don’t have to do any of that.

You are free to go about your most productive work, and when someone books time with you, you are automatically notified and its synced to your calendar so you don’t miss out.

When you tell someone to set up an appointment with you, you are letting your system do all of the dirty work.

No more back and forth, no more wasted efforts when your Yocale calendar does it all for you.


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