Customer Retention Tips Part 1: How To Blow Up Your Salon Profits

hair salon hair cut

Running a salon can be very rewarding and fun at the same time as you get to meet new people every day and to make them look their very best.

If you are not doing things the right way, however, you could be letting a lot of future business growth slip right through your fingers.

Here are three mega tips to start getting more happy clients that come back to your salon over and over again:

1. Pre-Book Them Before They Leave

We all know that it’s so much easier to sell to an existing client than it is to someone who hasn’t bought from you before.

So why do most salons not take advantage of one of the biggest recurring revenue generators in the industry, and that is taking pre-bookings?

So how does this concept work? Well, it’s easy.

Say you are working with a client who is in your chair, and you are making her hair look marvellous.

You simply bring up in conversation that to maintain the new color you just applied, that you must see her again in 6 weeks time, and while you were getting something from the front, you went ahead and scheduled her in already for 10 am a month and a half from now.


You now have a client who knows you are not only there to help, as you want to ensure her hair stays beautiful, but on top of that – it shows that you took initiative and went ahead and locked in an appointment when you said.

You now have a reserved booking and more guaranteed revenue coming your businesses way, and this can easily be repeated with each and every customer you work on.

2. Listen More, Speak Less

Working with a client in your chair is an excellent way to learn more about them and who they are and what goes on in their life.

Most people sitting in the chair want to be able to express what is going on in their lives.

What this does is it allows them to channel their feelings and emotions out and gives them a voice, so they feel that you are listening to what they have to say.

customer retention

It makes them feel more important and that you care about what they have to say. So ask more questions, and make it all about them.

It’s great to talk about your personal experiences and what is going on with you, but at the same time, you don’t want to go overboard.

You want to keep it about them and give them the best experience while sitting in your chair, because at the end of the day, they are the client, and they are the one who should be treated as if they are a super VIP.

3. Follow Up With Them Within 24 Hours

If you can’t see the problem, you cant fix the problem

That statement is true even in the salon industry.

The last thing you want is a client who is not happy with their visit. Most often, people who are upset won’t tell you anything and simply won’t come back.

That is not good for business, but luckily there is a way to nip this before it starts to hit your bottom line.

Right after your client’s visit, just give them a call or send them an email and just ask, how do you like what we did for you?

This is an actionable tip you can do right away so you can find out exactly who is happy and who is not.

And for those clients that are not satisfied, you can tell them to come back in, and you will fix it for free.

This will certainly get you a happy client who will come back to you in the future because they know without question that you will ensure their satisfaction or its free.

These are three great things you need to start doing in your salon business, as you will right away see a lot more happy clients, and more importantly a lot more returning customers and growth in your business for years to come.

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