10 Ways To Improve Conversations With Customers

Customer Service

Customer service is the backbone of all businesses. It is the front line of contact with your audience, and is paramount in a companies image and brand.

So it’s no surprise we are very eager here at Yocale in providing exceptional service to all of our existing customers, as well as prospects each and everyday.

Moreover, we communicate with our customers through a multitude of channels such as online chat, through email correspondence, and by phone as well.

With so many customer touch points daily, getting the most out of every conversation is imperative, and no matter how we communicate, we follow a strict set of rules that ensure that each customer contact is consistent, professional, and smooth.

Here are 10 proven methods we use in our business to improve your customer conversations right away.

1. Stay Positive

Even when a customer conversation seems to be turning negative, (or maybe it started that way), remember – you’re here to help, and there’s a solution. The conversation is a tool to get both parties on the same page – to use it as such means at least one of you will always have to remain positive and willing to advance the agenda – make sure that’s you.

2. Avoid Profanity And Slang

Being socially aware of your customer’s diction, use of slang, etc. can give you latitude here but in general avoiding profanity, slang and euphemisms is a good idea. Be courteous and human but in your customer conversations use your more reserved lexicon. This is not to say use only officious or sterile language, just put your best language forward, as if you were writing something down and want to use your best penmanship.

3. Please And Thank You

It might seem trite to say or write, but “please” and “thank you” are, pound-for-pound, the most powerful expressions in any language. Thank you has the tremendous effect of making people believe they like you, and please is statistically proven to garner better results. Say please and thank you whenever appropriate – say it even when it isn’t! It’ll never hurt!

4. Remember And Use The Customer’s Name

People are used to their name, and no sound is more ingratiating to us. As soon as you learn someone’s name repeat it back to them – picture it spelled out in your mind. Use it throughout the conversation. It’s the one word you know will get their attention every time.

5. Actively Listen

No matter how trivial something might seem don’t let the customer think you’re just waiting for them to finish before returning to some script. 99% of customer conversations are allowing the customer to be heard. When people feel that their message has been received they almost always leave satisfied. Breakdown happens when customers feel as if they were not heard or even ignored.

6. Bring The Conversation To An Action Point

Sometimes conversations can have a life of their own, and fly from topic to topic, or start circling. It is important to bring conversations to action points, whereby an instruction is given or decision taken. Provide the customer an option which leads to a positive action – Ok, let’s look at the order form and see what information we can get filled out right away.

Bridge from the customer’s comment back to an action.

7. Summarize All Information Given To Ensure Correctness

We write numbers and letters down quickly and with confidence, but all too often we’ve recorded them reversed. It wasn’t 1560, it was 1650! After taking down information, like proper spelling, addresses, telephone numbers or orders, read all of the information back to the customer. It is only a moment of time and it reduces those pesky transposition errors to a virtual nullity.

8. Respect The Customer’s Individual Time-Sensitivity

Be quick and succinct when the desire to do so is demonstrated by the customer; be socially aware of the customer’s mood and needs. If a customer speaks slowly, languidly like they’re on vacation, then it makes sense to use a reduced pace in conversation; if however, the customer is speaking in a clipped and or hurried way then respect that and be quick in reply.

9. Never Respond To Questions With Questions – Give Succinct Answers

There will be opportunities for humour and reparte outside of the answering of questions. If a customer has asked you a question get her to the answer they’re seeking as fast as possible. The decision to transact can be a split-second one and if a lack of information is preventing the transaction then bridge that gap as quickly as possible.

[bctt tweet=”Tip: Never Respond To Questions With Questions, Give Succinct Answers! #customerservice” username=”yocalenetwork”]

10. Smile!

It might not sound like a piece of advice for conversation but even over the phone smiles are loud and clear, and can be felt if not seen.

Nothing is as important as making sure that customers are satisfied. Your customer conversations will be key to your business’ success. Start having better conversations with your customers today!

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