9 Reasons Your Paper Appointment Book is Costing You Thousands

appointmentbook vs onlinebooking

If you continue to use your paper-based appointment book as your business scheduler, you’re leaving money on the table.

Here’s why:

  1. Every client that comes to you for service is an asset to your business.  If you’re not collecting their information, you can’t keep in touch, market to them, give them better service and keep accurate records.
  2. You’re spending too much on bookkeeping. If a professional is going through your day book and transferring each bit of data into their accounting software, you’re paying premium dollars for simple data entry that could be done right at your front desk (or better yet, by your clients when they book online.)
  3. You’re losing time every time you have to look and analyze your schedule in your book.  A digital calendar will not only find the best place for your next appointment, but will also add it to your smartphone personal calendar so you can be 100% sure all the time that you’re not missing anything.
  4. If you’re ever going to sell your business, your client list is a huge asset in the calculation.  A pile of appointment books is not going to do the trick.  You need names, numbers, email addresses and appointment/sales history.
  5. You’re missing out on all the benefits of having your clients do your marketing for you.  If clients book online or are at least sent their appointment details via email, they can easily share their joy and appreciation to all their friends with one click of a button.  Reviews are easy to collect and social media is one click away.
  6. The SEO (ie:Google standing) value of customers coming to your website/booking site is another huge value in the world of web real estate. Most consumers are looking online or to their friends to find their next appointment, rather than looking up the street, showing up in searches means more business. (Not all online booking systems optimize your SEO).
  7. Organization. An online customer database is the fastest and cheapest way (vs. paper files) to stay organized when it comes to client records, reminders, as well as important information pertaining to insurance, health records, purchases or treatment product specifics.
  8. Compliance & Accountability. How many times have you gone looking for a piece of information because you needed it to prove something.  Whether it’s if something was sent, an email was opened or a phone call was made.  Having a proper client database and CRM for your business will ensure you have a tool in place to make you accountable and compliant for all regulations.
  9. Marketing Automation.  This is a big one.  When you’re busy working full time, it’s hard to stay on top of marketing and you can’t be on all the time.  You’re not there to answer the phone 24/7, send emails to inquiries as they come in.  You have work to do.  Using an automated marketing system, you can send reminders, send birthday notes, monthly specials and flash sale updates to all your customers with a simple one-time setup.  Make sure the online booking includes these features.

Change is hard.  Moving from your trusty black book after years of good service can seem like a big adjustment, but when you consider what it’s costing you and your business – it might be time.

9 Reasons Your Paper Appointment Book Is Costing You Thou$ands

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